
The Development Process Of Fetus


The Development Process Of Fetus

Made of PVC and synthetic rubber.
The model consist of 10 parts and shows the relationship between fetus and Uterus during the gestation period.
Part No.         Gestation Month       Appearance/height of fetus
Ist               Normal Uterus               Inner genitals
2nd                   First                  Placenta is shown
3rd                   Second              Embryo looks like human.
4th                   Third                 Fetus is about 9 cm .
5th                   Fourth                Fetus is about 16 cm.
6th                   Fifth                 Fetus is about 25 cm.
7th                   Sixth                 Fetus is about 30 cm.
8th                   Seventh               Fetus is about 35 cm.
9th                   Eighth                Fetus is about 40 cm.
10th                  Ninth                 Fetus is about 45 cm.

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