
Redwood Viscometer


Redwood Viscometer

  • Red Wood Viscometer apparatus are widely used in petroleum laboratories, oil refineries, industries, educational institute, research organizations and various other institutions for study of the red wood viscosity of petroleum products.
  • Two adaption of redwood viscometer are available NO.1 for liquid having redwood flow 20 second to 2000 second and no.2 for liquid whose flow time with no.1 exceed 2000 seconds.
  • The complete outfit comprises stainless steel bath having drain plug with electric Heating arrangements able to operate at 220 volts 50 hz ac mains or gate heating arrangements, with tap, silver plated oil cup with precision stainless steel jet, ball valve ,cover thermometer clip, stirrer, and suitable stand with leveling screws.
  • In electric Heating arrangements the temp. is controlled by :
    1. energy regulator model
    2. solid state elec. Regulator model
    3. voltage varrier copper coil type model
    4. digital temp. controller cum indicator type model.

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